Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Commentary International Business

Question: Discuss about theCommentary for International Business. Answer: Introduction: As the company steps out of its home boundaries for international business, its ethics started getting blurred. When a tradition or a culture is followed then, there is no right and wrong. Which is especially, when a company operates in a foreign country with varied culture. An ethical issue in an international business can be considered unethical in other countries. The best judge of what is right and wrong is the individual itself, this theory is known as relativism and all the international business, and their ethics revolve around it. Though deciding between right and wrong is far from easy. Violation of personal ethics is common for home managers working in the foreign countries (Forsyth OBoyle, 2011). Different countries have different cultures and tradition, and there is no way to judge that how one countrys cultures better than anothers. Cultures do not come under universal truth that can hold for all the people at all times. Though relativism says that all the cultures have some common values, but they are not sufficient to address all the business and culture-related problems. Relativism says that if the culture says anything, then that is so, but is that so? If a culture says Earth is flat, then is it so? One can violate a culture which he can justify, but generally, that is not the scenario and following the other culture and tradition without a question becomes a managers duty. It says that relativism increase tolerance, but tolerance is considered as a moral value that makes it a universal truth which relativism denies. So, the relativism contradicts itself, which makes it difficult to decide the importance of relativism in business ethics (Ross, 2016). References Forsyth, D. OBoyle, E. (2011). Rules, standards, and ethics: Relativism predicts cross-national differences in the codification of moral standards.International Business Review,20(3), 353-361. Ross, M. (2016). Universal Values and Virtues in Management versus Cross-Cultural Moral Relativism: An Educational Strategy to Clear the Ground for Business Ethics.CFA Digest,46(1).

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